What Do You Like About Yourself
Focusing on the gifts Krishna Has Given You
As devotees we are trained to be humble; so focusing on what’s wrong with ourselves is common. However, by focusing too much on what’s wrong with us, we may lose our self-esteem, end up disliking or even hating ourselves, or develop other “negative self-attitudes.” This could also result in strengthening an existing unhealthy attitude towards ourselves.
It can be healthy to appreciate the good qualities and characteristics Krishna has given us. It makes us aware that we have a lot to offer and thankful that we have these gifts. Appreciating ourselves, if done in the right way, is healthy. The following is an exercise in self-appreciating. Please do it, even if you have doubts that it is proper for devotees to do this or if you are reluctant to notice anything good about yourself. Generally, the more hesitant you are to do this exercise, the more beneficial it will be for you.
Exercise: Make a list of the things you like about yourself: what are your good qualities, what are your abilities; what makes you special.
Were you hesitant or resistant to do this exercise? If so, why?
What realizations did you get by doing this exercise?