If you don’t control your mind, your mind will control your life.
Too many people sabotage themselves because of fear, self-doubt, negative talk, and deeply engrained ways of thinking.
As Lord Buddha said, “You are not punished for your anger; you are punished by your anger.” If you think about it, we are quite good at punishing ourselves.
Are we bound to be controlled by our fears, doubts, and insecurities or pushed around by old habits or habitual ways of thinking? When faced with an unpleasant task must we be lethargic. When faced with difficulty must we become miserable or try to escape the pain through suppression, obsession, or substance abuse?
Unfortunately, too often the answer is “yes.”
If our thoughts are being made for us rather than by us, it leads to wrong decisions and a lot of trouble. Even though it appears that the mind is manipulated by an outside force and unwanted thoughts just show up and cause us to act against our will or better judgment, it doesn’t have to be this way.
Spiritual teachings the world over tell us we are not the mind (or body) but a much higher being, a soul who observes the mind and body. As higher beings we do have the power to control our minds. We just need to connect with that higher self. And this is what this course is about. This course will be one of best investments of your time you can ever make.