Train The Trainer – Professional Facilitation Training
This course is based on the professional facilitation training I received, along with my own experience of facilitating professionally organized workshops. I am attaching the actual ad for the course I took to give an idea of the course.
Train the Trainer Certification by Peak Potentials
Being a trainer can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling professions on the planet, but if you’re missing critical knowledge and skills it can be a major struggle.
The secret to training success is learning from the masters. The only problem is that most successful trainers never reveal their innermost secrets to success and the psychology behind every move they make. Peak Potentials Master Trainers will.
The Train the Trainer Certification program will increase your confidence in this arena by a thousand-fold. You’ll be shocked at what you can do once you’ve been properly educated in the intricacies of this field. This course is also extremely valuable for anyone in sales, networking or any business where you are required to give presentations to large groups or interact one-on-one.
Train the Trainer will change your life—personally, professionally, and financially.
Here is just a portion of what you will learn:
- A proven blueprint to market your seminars and yourself as a speaker/trainer
- How to design a powerful program from A-Z
- “Accelerated Learning” techniques, and how you can use them, so your participants learn faster and remember more
- How to control the energy in any room
- A step-by-step process for getting started and earning money immediately
- And much more
Applying the knowledge and skills I gained at the workshop to facilitating my own workshops for both devotees and non devotees has allowed me to road test and refine what I have learned and thus present it in a devotee friendly context. I offer many teaching/facilitation alternatives to that I was previously unaware of, even after preaching for 35 years. Some of what I learned and will share is:
- How to get people to fully participate in your workshop, including japa sessions, kirtans, discussions, etc. even if they are skeptical of what you are teaching, brand new to Krsna consciousness, or even not very interested.
- How to get people to believe in principles that might be difficult for them to accept by facilitating self discovery exercises in which they come to realize the truths on Krsna consciousness on their own.
- To make your material completely relevant to the core needs of your audience and thus relate perfectly to where they are at.
- How to use exercises to facilitate shifts in thinking that would be difficult or impossible to do only by lecturing.
- How to make workshops so dynamic, interesting and fun that you can keep people enlivened and interested at workshops that go all day.
- How to get people to sign up for others workshops you offer – and pay for them.
- How to create coaching clients after the workshop.
- How to sell books and other items at the workshop.
And more.
The course is primarily designed for devotees who are teaching people new to Krsna consciousness, but the principles apply to any teaching environment.
I just finished a 4 day staff training program (Vrndavana Gurukula). I used the techniques learned from you and we have never had such a good time together! At the end they told it was the best set of meetings they ever had – and someone even called me a master teacher! Just because of a few small additions to the presentation.
I did it so they will do it in the classroom. I look forword to the changes it will bring to their teaching and the students learning. ~ Ananda Vrindavan devi dasi