A Real Man
A Real Man
If your wife or husband says that I don’t like something that you do, if you’re smart you will listen carefully. It is the principle of a good relationship: you want to make the other person happy.
(And by the way, your spouse provides your personalized marriage manual when he or she tells you what they like or don’t like about your behavior.)
Krishna is the supreme male and Radharani is the supreme female. What does Krishna do as the Supreme male? He tries to please Radharani. That is what it means to be male. If she is angry, He stays with her and calms her down. He doesn’t get angry, chastise her or run off. He doesn’t say, “Stop being so emotional. Get yourself together.”
There is a difference between being a man’s man, and being a woman’s man. Being a man’s man is not really male. Being male in the true sense of the word is in relation to another female, not in relation to another male. Do women like the tough guy who sometimes beats up someone?
(Maybe they do in Bollywood movies but not in real life!)
Women like the guy who is sensitive, who listens, and who deals with her problems. But men often think that if they do that they are being female, controlled, or weak. It’s actually the opposite.
If the man gets as emotional as the wife, then the situation becomes disturbed. The real male will listen and try to help his wife, and then adjust to what she needs. He is the protector, so if she is having trouble he tries to help her.
“Tell me, what’s going on!” And he listens patiently. That’s being male. That’s being a protector.
When a man understands this is his service to his wife, he makes a great husband.
Therefore, real men make great husbands.